Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Long time, and all that crap...

Hello friends. I know it's been quite a while since you've seen me. And I am deeply sorry for the long delay. I could talk about it for hours and bore you with details, but hey!- it's a new year and I don't dwell on the past.

I'm currently in Heathrow Airport and will be for nine more hours after a few flight cancellations. I will be back in Geneva hopefully by the end of the night, where Geneva Adventures 2010 will begin!


  1. About time, Carlos! ;-) What a short post this is--! Are you on a by-the-minute connection?! ;-)

  2. Welcome back! I hope you made it... :-)

  3. Yes, Faith, I hit the "Publish Post" button just as my time ran out- I thought it didn't go through until I saw your comment. Pffew.

    And Maya, yes I am luckily back home in Geneva now after a LONG adventure (see next post).
